How do suppliers implement the Better Cotton chain of production and sales supervision?

Issuing time:2023-11-15 09:46

In May 2023, Better Cotton released Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard v1.0, which sets auditable requirements for organizations that purchase or sell physical (also known as traceable) better cotton or cotton containing products in the supply chain to better balancecotton quality orders. If a supplier is interested in participating in a better cotton program, how should they implement a better cotton production and sales chain of supervision?


Initial application process


Note: Better Cotton is open to all interested organizations to join, and registration intentions can be found on the official website:


For more information or contact our team directly.

Once the supplier has assigned a category and defined a monitoring process, they should follow the steps required below.

Class A

Such suppliers should register on the Better Cotton platform and complete relevant assessment online BCP training modules. Suppliers in this category will be placed under a typical 'better cotton' monitoring and supervision program and will need an assessment within 3 years of entering the program.

Class B

Such suppliers should register on the Better Cotton platform and complete relevant online BCP training modules. Within 12 months after BCP registration, the supplier should contact an approved third-party verifier to assessment according to the Better Cotton Chain of Custody Standard v1.0.

Class C

After being evaluated by an approved third-party verifier and all non conformities are closed, such suppliers can registeron the Better Cotton platform and complete the relevant online BCP training modules.

Non Conformance and Corrective Action Plan (CAP)

Any evaluation or monitoring methods used by Better Cotton may result in the occurrence of Non Conformance Items (NCs). If NCs meet the requirements of CoC standards during the assessment or monitoring activities, the supplier shall submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to Better Cotton within 10 days after receiving the evaluation report.

Minor NCs: They should be corrected within 6 months. For ginning plants, they should be corrected before the start of the next ginning season (whichever is shorter), and evidence should be provided to Better Cotton or a third-party verifier to demonstrate how the issue was resolved. If rectification is not achieved, Minor NC should be upgraded to Major NC and follow the schedule of Major NC.

Major NCs: Corrective actions should be taken within 30 calendar days of receiving the final evaluation report, and evidence should be provided to Better Cotton or a third-party verifier to demonstrate how the issue was resolved. If not rectified, it will result in the suspension of their BCP account.

Evaluation decision

Positive Decision: Release positive decisions to suppliers who have successfully completed the assessment, demonstrating their ability to meet the requirements of CoC standards.

Negative Decision: Issue a negative decision to suppliers who have failed to meet the requirements of the CoC standard at all.

As shown in the figure below, the assessment decision is made based on the compliance level of CoC requirements and other risk factors.


Evaluation cycle

The supplier assessment cycle in the Better Cotton supply chain plan is usually 3 years, and the monitoring level varies depending on risk factors or the applied supply chain model, as shown in the following figure.


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