How to determine the scope of ASI certification and demonstrate responsible production practices

Issuing time:2024-02-02 08:37

The Aluminum Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is a multi-stakeholder organization focused on the management of independent third-party certification projects in the aluminum value chain. The center of the ASI certification program is to provide review of two voluntary standards: ASI performance standardsand ASI chain of custody standards.


The ASI performance standards clarify the principles and guidelines for environmental, social, and corporate governance in the aluminum value chain, with the aim of addressing sustainable development issues in the aluminum industry. The ASI Chain of Custody (CoC) standard is a supplement to the ASI performance standards.

Members of the production and conversion categories as well as the industrial user category in ASI are required to meet ASI performance standards and obtain certification. At least, some of their operational businesses need to obtain certification within two years of joining ASI. These members are also encouraged to undergo chain of custody standard certification to increase the value of their performance standard certification.

The scope of certification is set by members, including which parts of the enterprise, facilities, and/or products/projects are covered by ASI certification. This is sometimes referred to as an "authentication unit".

The significance of determining the scope of certification

• Let members have a clear understanding of what is within the scope of ASI review.

Auditors can develop appropriate audit plans based on the scope of certification to determine compliance with relevant ASI standards.

The scope of membership certification can be clearly and accurately communicated to stakeholders and business partners.

The method for defining the scope of authentication is shown in the following figure.


It should be noted that company activities related to or supporting standard implementation at the facility level or product/project level can still be evaluated by auditors under these methods. This may include relevant policies, systems, or procedures maintained at the company level, but applies to facility or product/project levels.

Members have found in their self-assessment that auditors can find evidence of specific guidelines that comply with ASI standards. When members choose a facility or product/project level for ASI certification, or prioritize a portion of the enterprise, they are not limited to just one certification. For example, if it meets the nature of the enterprise, different facilities can be certified separately.

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