SLCP CAF v1.6 is about to be released, and these changes need to be understood

Issuing time:2024-03-04 15:53

SLCP provides a tool for obtaining accurate data on global supply chain working conditions, replacing duplicate social audits by promoting data sharing, eliminating audit fatigue, integrating resources to improve working conditions, and providing high-quality social and labor data. The new version of the integration evaluation framework CAF v1.6 for SLCP is about to be released. Let's learn about some changes and Q&A related to the new version with the editor.

The update process of CAF

SLCP released CAF v1.4 in the second quarter of 2021, CAF v1.5 in the fourth quarter of 2022, and a new version of CAF v1.6 will be launched in the first quarter of 2024.

CAF v1.6 provides more details on salary and verification processes. Considering the HRDD legislation and the goals of the SLCP five-year strategy, it is expected to be updated annually for the next three years.


The main changes in CAF v1.6 tools and processes

1. Salary data issue in Step 2

Salary and benefits have added a new issue regarding gender based salary information:

Minimum wage level/level;

The most representative salary level/level.


2. Improve the wording of the questions in Steps 1 and 2

Some issues have been rephrased to prevent misleading or difficult to understand, and non conformities are now clearly marked as "X".

Updated the remaining double negation issues in the tool. Users will have a clearer understanding that this question is asking if they have "not" done something. The example is shown in the figure.


3. New answer options for union issues

In the section on "Worker Participation", there is a new answer option regarding issues related to freedom of association and collective bargaining, especially those related to unions, for situations where there are no unions present at the facility during the evaluation period.


4. New answer options for worker participation questions

In the facility introduction section, under Basic Information - Worker Participation: Haveworker representatives and/or workers participated in the self/joint assessment process?

The new answer option can provide a better understanding of whether SLCP worker participation technology has been used.


5. Verification/Evaluation Details Improvement Section

34 new questions have been added to provide detailed information on the process conducted by the validator during the validation period. These issues include:

1. Worker interviews (number of interviews with contract workers and non production workers)

2. Management Interview (Title of Management Attending Opening/Closing Meetings)

3. The actual scope of the audit (on-site and off-site dormitories for facility management, as well as on-site and off-site canteens)

4. Integrity and honest data (specific data points for identifying problem types, rather than general issues related to opacity)

5. Document review (documents not provided by the facility, how many workers were sampled, percentage of labor sampled in wage records, how many weeks were sampled in work time records, how many people exceeded 60 hours per week, percentage of sampled labor affected)

6. 14 day review deadline deleted

For previous versions of CAF, the facility had 14 calendar days to review validated evaluation reports on the certified host platform. If the facility is not approved or there are objections to the report within 14 days, AH will automatically accept the validated evaluation report and send it to the gateway.

In order to ensure a comprehensive review of the report by the enterprise and sufficienttime to request any editing, the 14 day review period has been cancelled. When the facility clicks "confirm" to confirm that they have read the report and do not wish to make any edits/further edits to the report data, the validated evaluation report is finalized.

7. With the launch of CAF v1.6, AH has undergone changes

Before the release of CAF v1.6

1. Starting from February 8th, facilities can only complete ongoing evaluations on fairfactories.org. In addition, FFC has been removed from the Gateway as an organization that shares SLCP reports. The 14 day review period is still valid for these evaluations.

2. The facility can initiate CAF v1.5 evaluation on worldly.io. The 14 day review period is still valid until the release of CAF v1.6.

After the release of CAF v1.6

1. The evaluation that has already been conducted on the Worldly/FC platform will be completed on Worldly/FC. These evaluations must be completed 6 months after the release of CAF v1.6. The 14 day review period is still valid for these evaluations.

2. Once CAF v1.6 is launched, all new evaluations will use CAF v1.6. Six months after the release of CAF v1.6, all CAF v1.5 evaluations must be completed. Regardless of the version, the 14 day review period for all evaluations has been cancelled.

CAF v1.6 Q&A

Why do we need CAF v1.6?

1. Further align with BW: Feedback from Better Work/ILO Normes

2. Add questions and provide more refined and actionable data

What are the main changes in CAF v1.6?

1. Rephrase the issue to better identify non conformities

2. Include salary data points in Step 2

3. Expansion of verification/evaluation details

When will CAF v1.6 be released?

The new CAF version will be exclusively released on Worldly before the end of March. After the release of CAF v1.6, ongoing evaluations will be completed on applicable platforms.


What impact will the evaluation of CAF v1.5 be affected by?

After the release of CAF v1.6, facilities have six months to complete the evaluation of CAF v1.5 that has already begun, meaning that any ongoing CAF v1.5 evaluation must be completed by mid September 2024.


What changes have occurred in the BW assessment?

Since CAF v1.5, self-assessment has been optional for "Better Work" factories: if they choose, they can conduct BW assessments without first completing the self-assessment (but this means they cannot also conduct self-assessment for Step 2 or Step 3).

In CAF v1.6, the final report will provide a clearer explanation of the scope of "Better Work" evaluation and the data points evaluated/not evaluated in Step 1 of the tool. "Better Work" does not evaluate the scope of Step 2 or Step 3. When facilities participating in the "Better Work" program have evaluations that are compatible with SLCP, they can choose to share them with SLCP gateways and SLCP authentication hosts. If the factory wishes to share these additional data with the SLCP gateway, they can choose to conduct self-assessment for Step 2 or Step 3.

Outlook CAF v1.7

Based on the lessons learned from previous versions, a more advanced version release process table has been planned.


So, how can SLCP involve signatories and users in the development of CAF v1.7?

1. Based on existing feedback

Remaining feedback from participating in BW/ILO;

Feedback from contacts with stakeholders (QA Fora in Türkiye and China) and other organizations.

2. Participate through workgroups

The CAF v1.7 working group was established at the end of 2023. In December 2023, the working group initiated a meeting to review and narrow the scope of changes in the first and second quarters of 2023, and worked closely with BW.

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